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U.N. Confirms Iraq Missile Destruction 32 minutes ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo! BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.N. inspectors confirmed Saturday that Iraq (news - web sites) had begun destroying its Al Samoud 2 missiles and had agreed to a timetable to scrap the rest of them within a matter of weeks. U.N. spokesman Hiro Ueki said the procedure began Saturday afternoon under U.N. supervision. Deputy chief inspector Demetrius Perricos said at least one missile was completely destroyed but the process was going more slowly than expected because the rockets were so sturdy. Perricos also said other interviews with Iraqi scientists were under way Saturday although he gave no further details. The destruction of the missiles and the interviews with scientists were further signs that Iraq is scrambling to show cooperation with the U.N. disarmament program to prevent an American attack. The White House was not impressed with the missile destruction. "Resolution 1441 called for complete, total and immediate disarmament. It did not call for pieces of disarmament," said Merci Viana, a Bush spokeswoman. "The president has always predicted that Iraq would destroy its Al Samoud missiles as part of its game of deception." Perricos also said one of two casting chambers used to build the missiles had been removed, and Iraqi officials said it would be destroyed Sunday. Perricos said the timetable for destroying the rest of missiles and their associated systems had been agreed upon. He said the timetable for destruction was "a matter of a few days or a very short few weeks." He added that it would be in Iraq\'s interest to accelerate the destruction.
Originally posted by videoholic Those missles suck anyway. It\'s the chemicals and the boilogical crap that we need to have gotten rid of.
Originally posted by Ace Saddam is playing a cat and mouse game and the rest of the world and Mr. Blix is falling for it. We put the pressure on and he gives in a little. This could go on forever.I\'d like to see what he isn\'t destroying. Ace