Interesting list of who is still at large, captured or has been killed.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Name, nationality and status of some major Al Qaeda figures:
USAMA BIN LADEN, Saudi, supreme leader: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list.
AYMAN AL-ZAWAHRI, Egyptian, bin Laden\'s doctor, spiritual adviser: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list.
MOHAMMED ATEF, Egyptian, military chief: Killed in U.S. airstrike.
KHALID SHAIKH MOHAMMED, Kuwaiti, suspected mastermind of Sept. 11 attacks: Captured.
ABU ZUBAYDAH, Palestinian-Saudi, terrorist coordinator: Captured.
SAIF AL-ADIL, Egyptian, bin Laden security chief: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list.
SHAIKH SAIID AL-MASRI, Egyptian, bin Laden chief financier: At large.
ABD AL-RAHIM AL-NASHIRI, Saudi, Persian Gulf operations chief: Captured.
TAWFIQ ATTASH KHALLAD, Yemeni, operational leader, suspected mastermind of USS Cole bombing in October 2000: At large.
QAED SALIM SINAN AL-HARETHI, Yemeni, Yemen operations chief: Killed in U.S. airstrike.
OMAR AL-FAROUQ, Kuwaiti, Southeast Asia operations chief: Captured.
IBN AL-SHAYKH AL-LIBI, Libyan, training camp commander: Captured.
SAAD BIN LADEN, Saudi, bin Laden\'s son: At large.
ABU MOHAMMAD AL-MASRI, Egyptian, training camp commander: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list as Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah.
TARIQ ANWAR AL-SAYYID AHMAD, Egyptian, operational planner: Killed in U.S. airstrike.
MOHAMMED SALAH, Egyptian, operational planner: Killed in U.S. airstrike.
ABD AL-HADI AL-IRAQI, training camp commander: Captured.
ABU MUSAB ZARQAWI, Jordanian, operational planner: At large.
ABU ZUBAIR AL-HAILI, Saudi, operational planner: Captured.
ABU HAFS THE MAURITANIAN, operational and spiritual leader: At large.
SULAIMAN ABU GHAITH, Kuwaiti, al-Qaida spokesman: At large.
MOHAMMED OMAR ABDEL-RAHMAN, Egyptian, operational planner and trainer: At large.
MIDHAT MURSI, Egyptian, chemical and bioweapons researcher: At large.
MOHAMMED JAMAL KHALIFA, Saudi, financier: At large.
SAAD AL-SHARIF, Saudi, financer: At large.
MUSTAFA AHMED AL-HISAWI: Sept. 11 financer: At large.
HAMZA AL-QATARI, financier: Killed.
AHMAD SAID AL-KADR, Egyptian-Canadian, financier: At large.
ZAID KHAYR, operational leader: At large.
ABU SALAH AL-YEMENI: logistics, Killed.
ABU JAFAR AL-JAZIRI, aide to Abu Zubyadah: Killed.
ABU BASIR AL-YEMENI, Yemeni, aide to Osama bin Laden: At large.
ABD AL-AZIZ AL-JAMAL, aide to al-Zawahri: At large.
RAMZI BINALSHIBH, Yemeni, planner and organizer of Sept. 11 attacks: Captured.
ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI, charged as conspirator with Sept. 11 hijackers: Captured.
ZAKARIYA ESSABAR, member of cell with chief Sept. 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta: At large.
SAID BAHAJI, member of cell with chief Sept. 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta: At large.
16 out of 37... and 3 of the top 5 killed or captured. Just interesting for those that say we haven\'t done anything concerning these terrorists.
Of course these aren\'t the only bad guys, just a few of the key players.