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Author Topic: Status of the War on Terror  (Read 831 times)

Offline GigaShadow
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Status of the War on Terror
« on: March 01, 2003, 05:14:42 PM »
Interesting list of who is still at large, captured or has been killed.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan  — Name, nationality and status of some major Al Qaeda figures:
USAMA BIN LADEN, Saudi, supreme leader: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list.

AYMAN AL-ZAWAHRI, Egyptian, bin Laden\'s doctor, spiritual adviser: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list.

MOHAMMED ATEF, Egyptian, military chief: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

KHALID SHAIKH MOHAMMED, Kuwaiti, suspected mastermind of Sept. 11 attacks: Captured.

ABU ZUBAYDAH, Palestinian-Saudi, terrorist coordinator: Captured.

SAIF AL-ADIL, Egyptian, bin Laden security chief: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list.

SHAIKH SAIID AL-MASRI, Egyptian, bin Laden chief financier: At large.

ABD AL-RAHIM AL-NASHIRI, Saudi, Persian Gulf operations chief: Captured.

TAWFIQ ATTASH KHALLAD, Yemeni, operational leader, suspected mastermind of USS Cole bombing in October 2000: At large.

QAED SALIM SINAN AL-HARETHI, Yemeni, Yemen operations chief: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

OMAR AL-FAROUQ, Kuwaiti, Southeast Asia operations chief: Captured.

IBN AL-SHAYKH AL-LIBI, Libyan, training camp commander: Captured.

SAAD BIN LADEN, Saudi, bin Laden\'s son: At large.

ABU MOHAMMAD AL-MASRI, Egyptian, training camp commander: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list as Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah.

TARIQ ANWAR AL-SAYYID AHMAD, Egyptian, operational planner: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

MOHAMMED SALAH, Egyptian, operational planner: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

ABD AL-HADI AL-IRAQI, training camp commander: Captured.

ABU MUSAB ZARQAWI, Jordanian, operational planner: At large.

ABU ZUBAIR AL-HAILI, Saudi, operational planner: Captured.

ABU HAFS THE MAURITANIAN, operational and spiritual leader: At large.

SULAIMAN ABU GHAITH, Kuwaiti, al-Qaida spokesman: At large.

MOHAMMED OMAR ABDEL-RAHMAN, Egyptian, operational planner and trainer: At large.

MIDHAT MURSI, Egyptian, chemical and bioweapons researcher: At large.

MOHAMMED JAMAL KHALIFA, Saudi, financier: At large.

SAAD AL-SHARIF, Saudi, financer: At large.

MUSTAFA AHMED AL-HISAWI: Sept. 11 financer: At large.

HAMZA AL-QATARI, financier: Killed.

AHMAD SAID AL-KADR, Egyptian-Canadian, financier: At large.

ZAID KHAYR, operational leader: At large.

ABU SALAH AL-YEMENI: logistics, Killed.

ABU JAFAR AL-JAZIRI, aide to Abu Zubyadah: Killed.

ABU BASIR AL-YEMENI, Yemeni, aide to Osama bin Laden: At large.

ABD AL-AZIZ AL-JAMAL, aide to al-Zawahri: At large.

RAMZI BINALSHIBH, Yemeni, planner and organizer of Sept. 11 attacks: Captured.

ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI, charged as conspirator with Sept. 11 hijackers: Captured.

ZAKARIYA ESSABAR, member of cell with chief Sept. 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta: At large.

SAID BAHAJI, member of cell with chief Sept. 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta: At large.

16 out of 37... and 3 of the top 5 killed or captured.  Just interesting for those that say we haven\'t done anything concerning these terrorists.

Of course these aren\'t the only bad guys, just a few of the key players.
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Offline Deadly Hamster
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Status of the War on Terror
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2003, 08:34:00 PM »
Im pretty sure no ones saying we haven\'t done anything, but as you said, 16 out of 37, and now we are moving onto other things without finishing the job.
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Offline Ace
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Status of the War on Terror
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2003, 03:54:50 AM »
Terrorists are like Pez from a Pez dispenser. One pops out and there is another ready to take it\'s place.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is a nice catch. This scumbag was deep into planning the 9/11 attack.

This war on terror is going to go on for a very long time. Probably longer than I will be around.


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Status of the War on Terror
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2003, 05:12:36 AM »
Originally posted by Ace
This war on terror is going to go on for a very long time. Probably longer than I will be around.

Oh man, I\'m with you here. :crap:

Offline GigaShadow
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Status of the War on Terror
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2003, 07:56:06 AM »
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
Im pretty sure no ones saying we haven\'t done anything, but as you said, 16 out of 37, and now we are moving onto other things without finishing the job.

Who says we aren\'t finishing the job?  The War on Terror isn\'t only about finding individuals...  its about pinpointing regimes that sponsor terrorism and stopping them as well.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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