This game ROCKS!
I got it yesterday. Really nice "box" you get it in. Not a cheap DVD chase..
The game itself is superb. Lots and lots of weapons to select from, excellent graphics, very good AI (the terrorists now sneak up on you, walk around to different areas.. So you\'re never safe!)
You can tell they\'ve put a lot of work into this game as the levels are very, very detailed.. They vary from prison levels, snowy mountain levels, city street-carnival levels to shipyards (that one is placed in Norway. One nice detail I noticed in that level is that the signs are written in Norwegian. Hård Hatt (hard hat), Fare (Danger), Elektricitet (guess

) ect) and so on.)
I\'ve not completed all the SP levels yet. I’m spending most of the time playing Multiplayer.. Cooperative is great fun (if your team mates are good at least!).
Now I must round off with a few screenshots!

(had to downsize them)

Nightvision takes time to get used to. Some nice effects going on when you have it equipped.

Spas-12 + scope? Good mix?

One of the bigger Multiplayer levels.

The training mission.

Teamwork is the key!
NVIDIA256: The game requires a CD-Key to play online. Just so you know.