Why are the masses removing their pre-orders from Nvidia for ATI cards?
Right now, if i were to choose between ATI and Nvidia, i would have a ATI card in my machine. Nvidia will lead the price market. But that doesn\'t meant their cards are better. It just means people are buying the cheaper cards TI4400 etc.
The FX v Radeon9700+ is a different story. Who would want a card that has higher gpu/mem core speeds while being loud, hot, pricey and still not performing as well as the cheaper, quieter, cooler card? I mean, you HATE that kind of thing don\'t you mm?
seems to me the masses in here are against.. not with u mm..
Not to say nvidia aren\'t a good company. Right now they are in the dumps till they get a card out that can compete with the radeon cards on the same levels, being cooler, around same price and same noise levels, if not better at all 3.

hope they pull it off.