I don\'t wanna piss on your parade, but here\'s alittle something.
(1) Those discs are select episodes , usually three. I have those, for the record. Those are just a piss-off for true fans of the series.
What fans of the series want are season sets. We don\'t want three episodes here and there. We don\'t want WB select episodes.
Still, I have bought \'The Adventure Begins\' and I will buy \'Tales of the Dark Knight\', in hopes WB gets the message that there is a market for Batman: TAS season sets!
Oh and screw The Justice League cartoon.

With that said, the point remains. If WB would get off their ass and release season sets, fans like me, would buy them in a heart-beat. As it is, they continue to screw us with these three-episode discs, that I hate to buy, but yet ..still buy.