Well for those who are usign Jaguar the best browsers are Safari and Chimera or Camino as it\'s called now adays. It\'s a part of the Mozilla project but it\'s made from the ground up for OS X it\'s fast and it\'s nice.
On Windows I simply get bored with using IE, it doesn\'t have tabs and all these nice things, there are browsers out there that use the IE rendering engine but offer things like tabs and whatnot, Crazybrowser, MyIE2 and Netcaptor for instance.
But the main reason I don\'t use IE for my primary browser is simple, proper .png support, I visit a lot of sites that use .png\'s and IE get\'s the colors wrong and doesn\'t even recognize the transparency in it. Which sucks because .png is the best image format since..hell it\'s just the best format out there.