Ah the deadzone is a side-effect of a solution to another problem. I didn\'t want ships to spawn in one side only to fly off screen because their diagonal course was going the same way. So I made it so the ships that spawn arround the left can only travel straight down or to the right, and vise versa for the ones that spawn arround the right side.
The "bottom haven" is a side effect of memory management issues. At 100 pixels below the visible screen, I erase any enemy objects that managed to come through. I didn\'t bother to restrict the player object\'s vertical movement because it won\'t be as noticable as the horizontal boundaries - and I thought it\'d be a nice little glitch.

Also, if you press H, the enemy\'s loss count goes up.

I really don\'t intend to spend any more time on this. I might use the name, the sounds and some code in a future project, but I certainly don\'t plan on extending this particular project any further. But if anyone feels compelled to fix the little niggles, they can do this quite easily - the source file is available for modification, hacking, slashing, having sex with, or whatever.

I guess what I\'m trying to say is - u can make your own games too! So make them!