Why are we going to war if its against UN resolutions? Who says that US is going to war with Iraq because of the UN? Bush was ready to go disarm Iraq to stop Saddam WITHOUT the UN until Colin Powell, thinking that going to the UN in the first place was a smart idea, went to the UN to "gain" support from the world community. Which obviously, is not happening.
In fact, like I said before, Clinton DID NOT get UN approval for the Bosnian incident, the bombing of a "drug" plant in Sudan, the bombing in Iraq for WMD that Saddam has. Its only now, with a Repulbican in office, do we here people saying that we should have UN approval. Hmmmmmmmmm.
The UN is a forum. A forum that, for all intent and purpose, is a failure. In order for the UN to actually work, it shouldn\'t be bias to one group or another (which usually falls under a left/right, Muslim/non-Muslim, dictator/free world) in achieving what should\'ve been the ultimate goal, world peace. Which, with Cambodia, Kosovo, Rwanda, and Somolia (off the top of my head) shows that the UN is pretty much, illrelevent.
I used to believe the UN could\'ve been great. But at the moment, its becoming another League of Nations. Another forum that was supposed to be a place where nations should\'ve worked out their differences to prevent war. Instead, World War 2 was the cause due to their unability to even enforce their own policies. Making them, as the UN appears to be heading in the same direction.
As for the Palistinian bombers, thats still not an excuse for the murder of innocent civilians!

If it was against military personal, "maybe" I\'d have more sympathy for their "plight". But as it stands, their leaders, ineffective, and the bombers are KEEPING THE PALISTINIANS FROM EVER HAVING A COUNTRY!
Not to mention, many of the killers don\'t care that they don\'t have a country. They only care about pushing the Jews out of Israel. Their one and only goal. Not all of them OF COARSE, but many of them.
Which, you mention the IRA, the original goal of the IRA was for Northern Ireland to succeed from Britain and become a part of Ireland. Despite years of terrorism, that hasn\'t happen now has it? It wasn\'t until
the violence stopped did Northern Ireland has, some semblance of self-rule. Not part of Ireland nor independant from Britian, but still, some semblance of self-rule is in place there.
You can argue why the Palistinians blow themselves up, the simple fact is, it keeps them from having their nation.