Originally posted by ooseven
err did you read all of it.... ?
because this article isn\'t Anti-war.... it just highlights how war could be perseved as "illegal".
And that isn\'t an anti war slant? Consider the source of where the article originated. After reading the Guardian from time to time it is my opinion that it really doesn\'t report facts - merely left wing opinion. Some will say I like to link to Fox News - which can be considered right wing, but at least they report the news and when the do a poll - like the current one on their site - they clearly state that it is a Fox News Poll and list the data and questions asked:
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,81023,00.htmlNow on the other hand take this little snipet from a Guardian communist... er columnist.
"Take the "key allies" with whom Bush will bomb regardless. Only 39% of Americans, 22% of Australians, 15% of Italians and Britons, 13% of Bulgarians and 2% of Spaniards back a war without UN approval. So much for the "coalition of the willing".
Link here -
http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,910914,00.htmlWhere did he get those figures? Interesting that he lists American opinion without a source... not to mention the other countries - though I still believe they are much lower than the REAL US figures. 2% of Spaniards??? yeah I believe that one. :rolleyes: