And a lot of the ignorant people work for the UN.
The only example that Avatarr used where the UN WAS involved intensely was East Timor and at the beginning of the First Gulf War, and this is also in question. This was after East Timor voted for Independance from Indonesia, and this was after a group of thugs loyal to Indonesia went on a killing spree (I think "maybe" they were involved in keeping the election clean with ballot monitors, this I\'m not sure about). In The First Gulf War, we did get international support, and in the end, got those resoulutions passed. However, isn\'t the fact that we are still dealing with Saddam tell you something about the effectiveness of the UN? And in Bosnia/Serbia, it was the US and NATO that was involved for most of the time. The UN did the easy job of "peacekeeping" after the US and NATO did the heavy lifting.
And there are countless times when the UN FAILED to act. The UN could\'ve been somewhat effective force. Instead, as it stands right now, they are irrelevent.