Here\'s one way to house train.
Buy a cage (always leave the door open when not training, since it\'s not a punishment, but "personal" puppy space, my dogs love their cages... we line them with blankets and pillows and stuff now, and we removed the doors). Line it with newspaper, and make sure he goes in there... he\'ll use a corner. Eventually, you can put paper outside, and take it out of the cage (or even put the cage outside), and he\'ll keep going on the paper (newsprint).
Without a cage, you can still use the newsprint method. Put some wherever he\'s going now (in your room)... and if he starts going somewhere else, put him right on the newsprint (if you put it over shoe-rubber mats, easy cleaning). After he\'s trained to go on the newsprint (1-2 weeks), put some outside... and when you think he\'s prolly ready, take him out to the newsprint outside.... Dogs eventually get smell triggers for body-functions... so he will \'need\' to go as soon as you put him on paper (and now your going to make the trigger verbal). When you put him on the paper, give a command, like bathroom, or pee-pee.... then wean him off the paper outside (use the command he learned, but on the grass)... My dogs now go as soon as their paws hit grass..... even if they don\'t even pee... they go through the motions, it\'s so engrained in them.