So I\'m sitting at my desk, and suddenly, this questions comes crashing into my head; If you were to not use one of your senses for a long period of time, do you think it would heighten it. For example: Lets say you wear a blindfold for 6 months. Do you think that after the six months, your sight would be better than it was previous to the 6 months? How about this, you wear earplugs for a month. Would your hearing be more sensative then before?
One more thing that popped into my head about this whole thing. They say that when you lose one of your senses, the others compensate for that. So if you were to go blind, your others would be heightend. What if someone were to get their sight back? do the other senses go back to normal? or do they stay in their heightend state?
I wonder if you could heighten all of your senses by depriving yourself of one at a time.