Breaking the law is the only way to get attention sometimes.
Giga...Who ever said this was about points?
I said **** Bush to make it more simplistic.
Or I could try to kiss ass. case your not watching the news, they have said that they\'re not sure that those were SCUD missels that were launched. They said it could of been some smaller missels. You keep talking about these weapons that he wasn\'t supposed to have, and how all the other countries were wussies and aren\'t as brave as the US government to do something about it. So far they haven\'t used no chemical weapons, nukes, or any other weapon of mass destruction. If Hussain really does have them, im sure he wouln\'t have wasted no time in using them.
If through this AVOIDABLE war, no weapons of mass destruction the Iraq government was supposed to have are not used. If no weapons are found after the war. Then Bush should quit, so should Collin Powell. But they might just sneak some in there before the cameras get there.
Que dios bendiga a toda la gente de Iraq y a las tropas de los Estados Unidos. Dios la gente no tiene la culpa de la demencia de los lideres de estas dos naciones. Son gente que le solamente les preocupa su bien estar y su orgullo. Y les vale madre la vida y el futuro de otros. Aunque ellos digan que la guerra es la unca salida. Todos sabemos que la guerra nunca debe de ser la unica forma de resolver los problemas. Bendice a todos nuestros hermanos en todo el mundo. Protegelos de las estupidas acciones de nuestros lidereas. Que dios nos ayude.
Sorry guys im not good at praying in English.