Theres one HUGE flaw in trying to boycott oil from say, the Middle East by not buying from a company like...Shell...oil is fungible. What does fungible means? It means that Middle Eastern oil is no different then say, Russian oil, or Mexican oil, so in turn, can easily be mixed in with any oil. And BECAUSE oil in fungible, ALL companies in a way, use Middle Eastern oil. How so? Even if, said refinary is owned by "Texaco" or "Chevron", ALL companies (even so-called competitors) WILL pull up to one of these refinary and use that refinary. In fact, companies routinely buy oil from each other if, say, they have a shortage from in their own supply. So the end result, the only preson that is hurt in this "boycott" would be the local gas station owner since, no company is innocent in using (or in this case, not using) Middle Eastern oil.
Nice idea. I wish I could do this, but, it is impossible.