1.Civilian territoreis are being bombarded everyday.Children, women and unarmed civilians are dead or carried to the hospitals.
2.The USA gives permission to Turkey to send army to attack North Iraq(where the Kurds are) in exchange of letting their air force to land and take off from Turkey\'s airports.
3.Disputes between countries of the European Union.
4.A war between Greece and Turkey could be likely
5.A spying U-2 has flown over Caucasus in Russia spying the territory.Russia is worried of a thread.
6.Muslims all over the world are swearing for revenge.A bomb attack in Saudi Arabia and a killing of an American and an English in Yemen is only the beginning.
More terrorism is awakening.
7.People all over the world are protesting against the war.That includes America and England.DROP BUSH, DONT DROP BOMBS!2 and a half million have protested in Europe yesterday)
8.Renegade soldiers after being sent to Iraq.
9.USA people being told lies and not shown the truth as it is.(I watched CNN International yesterday.They havent showed the whole truth or the truth or what exactly is happening outside america.AND NO!!IRAQUI\'S ARENT WELCOMING THE USA TROOPS!!AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIED!!THANK BUSH FOR THAT!!:rpissed: )
10.Yesterday I ve protested in Cyprus.With
Greeks and Cypriots, Palestinians and Iraquis were included.Iraqui\'s dont want to be bombed!!
Just some of the consequences and truths.
Bush has brought world order to the world.

Bush is smart.He doesnt watch TV to see whats happening in the world.He prefers reading books because he is smart and educated.NOT.