Originally posted by CHIZZY
Cypriots must be the most enlightened people on the planet, \'cos you know, they\'re such a huge part of international affairs, and every other thing in my house has a "made in cyprus" tag on it. You know a country is lame when the Turks can take you over...
You want my honest opinion?Cypriots are stupid!I admit that.Most of them only care about their 100.000 Cyprus pound house, their expensive 3 cars, they buy more clothes than they actually wear, buy more food supplies than they can actually eat and they cant accept the fact that their neighbor has a more expensive car or house etc.
Most of them express their opinion buit never fight for it.They stay in their warm homes.As long as they have their expensive car and house and eat as if there is no tommorrow they feel happy.Only when they lose everything they might wake up.
But there is the minority that fight for the better(as always).
I am not proud.Most of them talk about patriotism.I dont care about patriotic meanings.
I am sick of Greek-Cypriots argueing if they are Greeks or Cypriots.Thats what started most of the trouble in the first place.
I could have been an Iraqui.I could have been an American.I could have been an Indian.You know something?Nations are virtual creations of human.
Originally posted by videoholic
Am I the only person that sees the irony in this statement.
I AM NOT DEFENDING SADDAM!!I AM DEFENDING THE IRAQUI PEOPLE AND THE WHOLE WORLD!!I VE SEEN IRAQUIS PROTESTING AGAINST THEIR "LIBERATION"!!FOR THEM ITS NOT A LIBERATION FROM SADDAM!!ITS A THREAD TO THEIR COUNTRY!!EVEN THE SUNNIS ARE JOING FORCES WITH SADDAM(The greast Sunni religion leader who was fanatically against Saddam, now is joining forces with him for the protection of Iraq against the enemy.The soldiers sent by the US go to Iraq with the impression they are saving them.Actually they are a thread to the Iraquis and they dont even know it)!!