I have followed the CNN news-coverage of the War nearly 24/7 since the first attack began. I know - I am a freak whom eats information for breakfast and drinks up conspiracy theories. If you want to hear a mysterious story, knock on my door. If you want alternative possibilities, explanations or opinions on any given situation, knock on my door. If you want to assassinate me, my door is open. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that this is no war - this is a take-over. It is the same as if I had asked a 7-year-old to spar with me in the local Boxing-ring yesterday. Too easy.
What is the purpose of this "war"? Oil. It is so obvious that it hurts. Terrorism and chemical weapons only serve the soup as spices - something to confuse and trick thousands of american mouths with. When will we learn to hate the ignorant qualities of Wars and Violence? I don\'t want to sound like a 50-year-old hippie, but we, as a species, should seek for survival - not destruction. Our planet is only a grain of sand within an endless desert - our problems are insignificant; meaningless. Western Religions are only excuses, enterprises driven by simple politics. "God is on our side" is the easiest way to validate a sinful action - for if God approves, then we should too. Let me underline that if there is an omni-present God, He / She / It only laughs at our hard-headed stupidity.
We fail to take the attack on Iraq as an act of terrorism - or at least the truth shouldn\'t be said out loud. We fail to look at this war from the point-of-view of those innocent residents of Iraq whose lives are in constant danger at the moment - for them, America is the haven of terrorism, not vise versa. Axis of Evil indeed.
Confusion is the word of the day. I still don\'t have a clear picture of what\'s going on within the borders of Iraq - and no, I don\'t trust CNN; given that it is an American news-channel; the easiest outlet for propaganda and false truths. I might seem as an anti-american person, but deep inside I am neutral-minded. I am not going to take sides in this "war", as there are no sides for me to choose from. Yet, who knows? Maybe there\'s something horribly wrong in Iraq - perhaps the American Goverment knows more - much more - than we do. Either way, I am just going to hold my breath and wait for this insanity to stop. I might die in the process - but then again, this world is only a place of misery, stupidity and poverty. Whether I vanish from this stage of existence or remain within it, nothing is going to change. So why even bother?