And Clowd, I\'ve done that run out on d tactic so many times and got 6-8 kills numerous times in one round. I usually go in the tents then just throw some good nades at the people on the hills. In the usual one round/7 games I usually average over 20 kills which is almost always far more than everyone else with a mere 5 or 6. If I get the 203 on assault I\'m guaranteed atleast 3-4 kills cause I\'ve mastered hitting the windows and everywhere.
Seriously, I\'m dominant at that level. I know all the best spots and all the best tricks. My fav being having a saw, throwing a non-live nade into a room, then run in with it and right past it to someone who an easy kill. That works beyond well in tunnel and radio room.
Us 3 should play sometime soon. I\'ve deleted the game due to the fact it took up so much time, but if we could get a little team going on that would be worth it. 3 people working together simply can\'t be stopped in that game.

Some of my all-time fav moments came from this game. The time I was sitting in bpc(me being on d) with an enemy saw in red...5 people walked by the open door(another sneaky tactic, they expect the person to be outside the door...), 5 people down. I got 6 people with a sniper once while on d too. I go beyind the building with it where people simply can barely see you and you canpick off everyone on the hills and the people slowly walking around the back of the building.