I see you what you mean yes there are 2 download options, the "DVD9.iso" or the 5 cd version(8.2 Gb-uncompresssed). Most people opt for the cd version, as it takes up to much time for the DVD one. It\'s not stripped of any thing, go read the offfical info in it. The 5 cd version is compressed, while the DVD9 is not. In other words the 5cd version is the dvd9.iso installed
then compressed into 5 separate images.
Both look and play the same, and i tell ya Sloppy port. The reason why I made this thread was to warn any you guys that were palnning to buy this game for the pc.
The game runs ok but there are some major graphic problems. The game is VERY dithered looking. It appears like it is running in 8-bit color or something. I have no clue why it is doing this and there doesn\'t seem to be any way to fix it with the game.
Also, shadows don\'t work and the borders on the top and bottom during cinemas are transparent.
I have all details maxed out in these shots (and I\'ve tried lots of different settings as well). The game runs at a perfect 60 fps (during the gameplay, when it is supposed to) and controls and plays perfectly...but it just looks so bad.
It turnes out that knaomi only made it nVidia compatible, so when I put my Geforce4ti4600 in alot of the problems cleared up, yet the game still has fps problems and is yet a sloppy port.