I\'m considering going to art college in August to study a \'Diploma of Screen, Majoring in Animation\', which basically consists of 2D and 3D animation for film and tv and games, desktop publishing etc.
I\'ve been playing around with Maya 4.5 and Amapi 5.15 (3D modeling programs). I find these programs incredibly hard to use, simply because I don\'t have the slightest idea what I\'m doing and how to use these programs (they are both industry standard - used commercially for movies, games etc). I have a real longing to learn about modeling and special effects etc.
For someone who is interested in this sort of thing for a career, should I really be able to self teach myself these programs, or is that just not expected? I\'m just kinda concerned that I\'m not gonna have the feintest idea what the hell to do (I assume your taught all of this at college).
How did other artists here learn how to use these intense programs?