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Author Topic: Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers  (Read 654 times)

Offline ##RaCeR##
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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« on: March 29, 2003, 03:27:05 AM »
I\'m considering going to art college in August to study a \'Diploma of Screen, Majoring in Animation\', which basically consists of 2D and 3D animation for film and tv and games, desktop publishing etc.

I\'ve been playing around with Maya 4.5 and Amapi 5.15 (3D modeling programs). I find these programs incredibly hard to use, simply because I don\'t have the slightest idea what I\'m doing and how to use these programs (they are both industry standard - used commercially for movies, games etc). I have a real longing to learn about modeling and special effects etc.

For someone who is interested in this sort of thing for a career, should I really be able to self teach myself these programs, or is that just not expected? I\'m just kinda concerned that I\'m not gonna have the feintest idea what the hell to do (I assume your taught all of this at college).

How did other artists here learn how to use these intense programs?

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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2003, 04:24:27 AM »
Well, I learnt 3D Studio MAX the hard way. I spent a lot of time fiddling with all the buttons and stuff. Then after a while I got the hang of the program and started reading tutorials on how to do misc stuff. Perhaps it was the backwards kind of way, but anyway... try reading some tutorials and get to know the program. The rest will follow if you\'re willing to put in the effort.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Seed_Of_Evil
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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2003, 04:47:01 AM »
These programs are extremelly hard to use because they\'re focused to proffesionals. If you want to learn any of these 3D programs, tutorial classes will be welcomed. Apart from that, you will need lot of time for practice, books and more books, and over all, you need to like the modeling.
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

Offline CHIZZY

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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2003, 05:35:54 AM »
I\'ve used 3dsmax for 5 years, and I wanted to step up to maya. I did a bouncing ball tutorial and spent 12 hours on it. I could have done it in max in 1/2 hour. I guess the interface was so different and made no sense to me.

Mostly experimenting taught me how to use max, I bought a couple of books. That helps \'cos you read them away from the computer, which is a little less distracting. Just read over a tutorial 5 times or so, until every step makes logical sense to you. Then you get an insight into the program that just following the tutorials won\'t give you. Good luck!

BTW, I hear there are really cute boys at graphic arts colleges.

:D sorry, I couldn\'t help myself. ;)
Dinosaurs were killed in the flood. -#RaCeR#
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Offline Seed_Of_Evil
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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2003, 06:19:10 AM »
CHIZZY, many proffesionals choose Maya over 3DMax because of the interface... don\'t you like it?
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

Offline CHIZZY

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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2003, 08:04:36 AM »
actually, mike I found it very confusing to think so linear. I hope you understand what I\'m trying to say, but the idea that everything runs in a line gets a little overwhelming. I agree that it is much more powerful, and you can get complete control over everything. Maybe I\'m a scatterbrain, but the Max interface allows me to jump around much more quickly without editing nodes and wading through screens of flowcharts.
Dinosaurs were killed in the flood. -#RaCeR#
Halle Berry just loves to give me the \"Dutch Oven\". That\'s why I stopped going down on her. It pisses me off so much that I just bang her til she faints. Bitch.-GmanJoe
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Offline Seed_Of_Evil
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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2003, 12:03:08 PM »
Yep, perhaps Maya is somehow "more job-focused".
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

Offline ##RaCeR##
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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2003, 12:11:45 AM »
i find 3D Studio Max REALLY uses up system power (I have a P3 800 with 128 ram, and it chugs like a hoar). I have no probs with Maya though.

yes, lotsa cute boys at art school :o

Offline CHIZZY

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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2003, 12:30:51 AM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
i find 3D Studio Max REALLY uses up system power (I have a P3 800 with 128 ram, and it chugs like a hoar). I have no probs with Maya though.

yes, lotsa cute boys at art school :o

I have an AMD atha 1800, 1 gig ram and it too chugs like a whore w/ the new MAX. The funny thing is I have MAX 2.0 also, and I use it to do all basic modelling \'cos it doesn\'t slow down at all, now that I have a smokin\' computer...(relatively speaking, I used to run the same prog on my 233 P1 w/ 64 megs ram. :D)

Then I render and do all texuring on the new prog.
Dinosaurs were killed in the flood. -#RaCeR#
Halle Berry just loves to give me the \"Dutch Oven\". That\'s why I stopped going down on her. It pisses me off so much that I just bang her til she faints. Bitch.-GmanJoe
i just try to make my sefhappy , by beng i company of fri

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Question for all graphic artists/3D modelers
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2003, 12:49:18 PM »
Vapor you do realise, almost everyone that goes through college changes their degree many times.

Good luck though :D

Its a very promising career now a days, considering computers are quite popular :laughing:
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