Originally posted by Coredweller
Hah ha ha. Arnett risked soldiers\' lives because he conviced Iraqis that maybe they shouldn\'t give up after all? I think you overestimate the power of a dorky balding white man. It\'s just more opinion control. No one\'s allowed to have an opinion differing from the US Goverment view, not even the Iraqis! LOL!
You wouldn\'t see the point of a pencil if it was shoved up your ass. I\'m not saying that he shouldn\'t be allowed to say how he feels. I\'m saying that what he said on Iraqi TV was wrong to say. He said that what the Iraqis were doing is working and is making the US rethink their plan.
That is completely false. The Iraqis have lost thousands and thousands of men. This is giving tremendous false hope to the Iraqis.
Imagine if you were living in Iraq and you saw a westerner repeatedly over and over agin on the TV saying that you were doing well in the war. Follow that up with tons of shots of Saddam that you think are from that day, but are more than likely weeks old. You then listen to music saying Saddam is wonderful. I\'m sorry, but these people are certainly going to believe what he is saying and not only that, could rally falsely around what he says.
The US war effort is based on hoping the Iraqi people take down Baghdad on their own from the inside. There is no way they will do that if they have even the tiniest incling of a notion that we won\'t take Saddam out.
I\'m not at all saying that Peter can\'t say whatever he wants, but I wouldn\'t want him representing my company either. The guy is an arrogant old fuddy duddy anyway. If you\'ve seen any of his NG reports you\'d see how much he thinks he is better than all of the other journalists. He just kisses the Iraqi gov\'t\'s ass the most.
PS: Sorry about the pencil joke.