Spoiler aheadthere ware many flaws in FD2.
Racer, the dood didn\'t break he\'s back. He friggin smiles after he falls and is happy he didn\'t get hurt. I doubt you\'d be smiling if u broke your back.
Another problem was the whole, we changed history bs.
The kid that dies at the BBQ at the end shouldn\'t have died. Think about it. Death has a plan. Well, if he\'s plan worked to begin with. That news crew would have never been at the accident scene. So the druggy wouldn\'t have pulled the kid out of the way of the van, simply because the vans wouldn\'t have even been there to have an accident. The chick that has the child wouldn\'t have been at the jail cell.
If death\'s plan worked, the cop wouldn\'t have made a stolen van report. He couldn\'t cause he should be dead. So that elements every friggin person at the accident were farm boy gets pulled out of the way of the van. Hence, he was never part of deaths design. Now that\'s a f@#ken plot hole there people. The only reason why the people die in FD2, is because they were part deaths original plan. The people in FD1 that survived altered the plan death had for the people in part 2.
Oh and how the hell does that kid that gets flattened by the glass, able to have a nice shapely body when he\'s mom is over the body bag. He was squashed. He should have been in a barrel more then a body bag.
Also the air bag scene, argh. My brother is in the CFA. (Fire department) they disable air bags after an accident. Or, they cut away sharp objects around the person’s head. They were using the Jaws of Life. But they could have easily cut away the pipe from the back window and pulled it out and away from the chicks head or even told her to keep her head to the side of it. I mean, COME F@#KEN ON..
