I enjoy plenty . I am critical of most things though. I expect so much from the entertainment industry..Ninety percent of the time, they fail to deliver.
Richard Donner made us believe a man could fly. Christopher Reeve became and still is Superman. The first Superman was a brilliant piece of film, not to mention the single most defining comic - to - film movie.
Tim Burton took the Batman universe and brought it to the screen. Michael Keaton was everything Batman could and should be on the film. Yet, another great comic to film.
Marvel has yet to hit their stride and at this point they are just shoving these movies down our throats and what\'s the catch? They cast big names, so that people will go see them . They know these movies couldn\'t hold up if it wasn\'t for the big names bringing in the cash.
Before I become accused of hating Marvel characters. I don\'t. I grew lovin\' X-Men and Spiderman. I collected the comics, had the toys and loved the cartoon series. I seen X-Men on the day it came out and walked out dissapointed. I saw Spiderman within it\'s first week and enjoyed it somewhat..Another viewing and I realized that I was just making myself enjoy it. That in all honesty, the film was just terrible.
I don\'t think DareDevil should of ever been made into a movie. With that said, I thought Ben Afleck done a great job as the character. I also thought the first part of the film was great. The way it told the story and showed what he could do. However, once Electrka was put into the story, it went downhill. Jennifer couldn\'t act her way out of the worst stories. She was a dis-service to the film and as for as Collin Farrel\'s character goes...Well, it was over-the top and that\'s okay, but some of the scenes (namely the chuch battle) was alittle to fake..even for a comic to film.
X-2 looks decent. I\'m not holding my breath though. If they screw with the orgins of NightCrawler and other characters like they did Rouge, than I will regard it as yet another Marvel failure.