Unicron, let me tell you something. 9/11 affected everyone around me. I live close to NYC. Two of my friends dads were in the trade center. Thank god one was late because my friend missed the bus and never made it to work and my others got out alive. Another friend of mine who\'s uncle was in the towers was scared shitless because he didn\'t hear from him. Thank god he got out alive. My uncle was with his military unit in the harbor helping to ferry people across the harbor. But, some kid in my grade wasn\'t fortunate. His father died in the towers. A decan at my church lost a nephew where the planes hit. Quite a few people in my town died in the towers, a lot with kids in elementary school or younger. So you see why I take GREAT offense when you say that it was good they came down. Those people shouldn\'t have died and all Al-Qaeda members deserve whats coming to them as well as people who aid them, like Saddam Hussein. Thats why I\'m such a big supporter of this war. He brought it on himself. America gets bombed and we just let it go. But innocent people have been dieing, our citizens and now they pushed the red button and now we are reacting, which its about time. This war should have happened two or three years ago when we first got suspicions. And those are the reasons I lose respect for anyone who bashes America.