Originally posted by luckee
Ok..trying to make a point is one thing..but dont spew ignorant and false claims. The japanese, amoung all asians look VERY different from *white* ppl.
Not everyone in america, but 64% of the US population is white.
Weren\'t you the one whining about racial profiling? Let me clarify, I don\'t look at an Asian American person as not being "American", just as I don\'t look at a black, hispanic or arab as being different when it comes to being American. Looks don\'t mean a thing, but frame of mind does.
For example, my grandfather refused to fight in World War II because he didn\'t want to fight against the "fatherland" and he even wanted to name by father Adolf (you have to remember this was 1939 and no one knew about the Holocaust etc). He took a lot of crap for not serving his country and that was a major factor in my fathers and my choice to serve in the military. Granted, I didn\'t make a career out of it, but my father did and he is a retired Colonel. Was my grandfather "unamerican" at the time? Yes I believe he was. If Clowd is a US citizen then I too consider him unamerican.
Back to the point, this is the 21st century and the US is made up of many races and cultures... even you can\'t deny this. What does an American look like? Good question, they are white, black, asian, arab, etc... It surprises me that you would call me ignorant for pointing out that America is multi cultural.