THX, growing up as a huge Bulls fan in the Chicago area, you hear things. Mind you none can be proven, but there are many, many stories about Jordan.
As far as him donating his whole salary, while it sounds nice, and was a nice gesture, this dude is a multi-BILLIONARE. I\'m sure he just wrote the check, lit up a cigar and didnt think twice about it.
One of the more famous stories is how his whole marriage is false and set up by his agent to give him a good public image, when in fact all Jordan cares about is gambling and hookers.
Just stories mind you, but I\'ve heard enough of em to start thinking maybe they arent all false.
Also, I can\'t stand his attitude as he\'s gotten older, and his playing has declined some.
A few months ago he went like 4-24 in a game and in the press conference after the game all he talked about was how he\'s trying to "get everyone involved to help the young players grow"
yeah right, I\'m sure he woulda said that if a few more of those shots fell.
P.S. I\'m not even got start on the Kobe vs. Jordan argument. Jordan is the greatest player ever, period.