Originally posted by GigaShadow
I can\'t believe clowd is insinuating that pictures of mutilated bodies can make one comprehend the horrors of war more so than those that don\'t see them.
Looking at a picture is not the same as looking at it in person. No, pictures won\'t show you the horrors of war or whatever. But you have to look at it from the point of view of the people that DO see this THAT have seen this and that have gone through this.
My 3 year old brother was watching tv the day that Baghdad was first bombed. He asked me if people were dying.....What was I supposed to tell a 3 year old kid about war?
"It\'s being fought for a very very good cause and as soon as the war is over they will find that cause."?
Or that only the "bad" people are dying??
I don\'t see why you people like to **** clowd up so much. Why is he so ignorant? Because he doesn\'t see things the way you do? Because he isn\'t as gifted and intellectually capable of grasping reality and the true meanings behind all this like you think you do?
How many of you have actually seen a mutilated body from a loved one? How many of you have seen someone being shot by the people that have come to "liberate" you? How many of you have seen a bomb explode killing your friends and family??
I support the troops. I hope that whatever they do everything goes right for them. In the other hand, Screw Bush and all republicans. Sure its great that the US and the other forces are freeing this country, but you also have to realize that this is in fact a step of the building of the US empire and rule or whatever. That this is another "conquered" country. Wether the people control it or not. Now, it\'s basically US property.