If u know where to go, yes. I know all the good stores in aus. Mainly because of wholesalers. Computer Tex is a great little store near my suburb. They order everything from wholesalers new, nothing is stocked at this store expect for peripheral devices. If i can\'t find something from a wholesaler i\'ll go through these guys. Even though it\'s only 2 people.

Also Jaycar electronics is good for the good ol case modding stuff.

Big stores are rip offs. Here anyway, go to places like dick smith electronics, Harvey Norman, Tandy etc. You\'ll be paying 5 grand for a pc i could build with better brand parts and be half the cost.
Only 1 big name store I’ve seen in Australia that\'s cheap. That\'s Computer world.
You don’t need a static cord bracelet. You just need to earth yourself before doing anything. I\'ve never killed a mobo, cpu, mem or any computer component. You could be safe and use one though. I do at work.
Show me this "online store" that u can get the stuff from for under 260. I\'m talking quality mm, not cheap brands.
Please don\'t give me this 9 outta 10 crap until you WORK in a computer store. I\'ve seen way to many manufacture faults to know better.. It\'s more like 6 outta 10

The classic one i\'ve seen is the no thermal gel routine, or the "what\'s the metal block for" ahh.