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Author Topic: Another ridiculous lawsuit. It seems like they just get worse and worse  (Read 559 times)

Offline videoholic

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This has happened to me before too.  How ridiculous.  


Assistant Attorney General Michael Atleson was ending a good day last spring, walking back to his Ashburton Place office from Suffolk Superior Court with a $600,000 check he got for the state in a hard-fought settlement with a crooked telemarketing company.

On his way to get a soda, he stopped in the men\'s room. He opened his pants and then ran smack into a shocked female janitor.

At that moment, Atleson and his lawyers say, the 34-year-old lawyer became ensnared in a swirl of powerful forces - sexual politics, labor strife, and greed - that would change his life.

Though Atleson says he immediately covered up, yelled \'\'Sorry!\'\' and left the restroom, the incident mushroomed into charges of sexual assault, allegations that he had made lewd overtures to three other women custodians, the threat of a civil lawsuit, and eventually a criminal trial...............................
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Another ridiculous lawsuit. It seems like they just get worse and worse
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2003, 07:08:39 PM »

Thats good stuff.

Just imagine if it was a pencil sharperner instead :laughing:

Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline kopking
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Another ridiculous lawsuit. It seems like they just get worse and worse
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2003, 01:11:24 PM »
god, when will they learn.. does my head in, i dont understand how they can even make a case out of this., and many of the other stupids ones. if i was a lawyer, and sme guy said, i wanna sue mcdonalds, its made me fat... id laugh, and say, you sir, are a idiot
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Another ridiculous lawsuit. It seems like they just get worse and worse
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2003, 08:44:27 PM »
It\'s getting so that if you know the right buttons to push, you can make the system work for you completely in a way not intended.... The worst part, is that it will make them far more skeptical about legitimate complaints of this type in the future (if there are any), so the victims will suffer, and the innocent who get bulldozed through the system will suffer too.

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