The final bit; I got tired of it; so im gonna block his ass. Video good luck on keeping this mofo away. Post this at the forum, and give me theh credit

HEre it is enjoy
SCC: i know how u got my aim sn and my icq # its in my sig but i dont know which yahoo group u got it from
Lateralus: u gave it to me
SCC: i havent given anybody my icq# that i remember of
Lateralus: u said u were drinking or something
Lateralus: lol
SCC: sounds like me
Lateralus: lol
Lateralus: u drink alot?
SCC: not really, but when i do drink i drik to have fun
Lateralus: o
Lateralus: u ever get drunk so much u puke?
SCC: nope
Lateralus: o
Lateralus: i hate it when ur drunk and piss all over
SCC: i dont like gettin drunk cos hangovers are a bitch
Lateralus: o
Lateralus: yeah
Lateralus: masturbation lol
Lateralus: i just heard it on tv for some reason
Lateralus: lol
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
SCC: im watchin star trek
Lateralus: cool
Lateralus: trekky fan?
SCC: hell yeah
Lateralus: cool
Lateralus: may the force be with you
SCC: thats star wars
Lateralus: yeah i know
Lateralus: lol
Lateralus: im kidding
SCC: oh well
Lateralus: do u like klingons
Lateralus: ?
Lateralus: lol
SCC: klingons are badass
Lateralus: yeah
Lateralus: do u have ur phaser set to death mode?
Lateralus: lol
SCC: phaser is set to kill, lets go kill some borg
Lateralus: cool
Lateralus: your funny
Lateralus: u make me laugh
SCC: thanks, i try
Lateralus: cool
Lateralus: how big is ur phaser
Lateralus: lol
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
SCC: oh about 12 inches LOL
Lateralus: really?
Lateralus: honestly dude
Lateralus: everyone lies
Lateralus: lol
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
SCC: 9.5
Lateralus: cm?
SCC: inches
Lateralus: o
Lateralus: im 11 and growing
Lateralus: damn ur small
SCC: hahahahahahahahahaha
Lateralus: how does it feel to have a tiny winky?
SCC: i dunno, never cared
Lateralus: o
Lateralus: u ever get it sucked
Lateralus: lol
SCC: 24/7
Lateralus: have ur gay friends sucked it?
SCC: no
Lateralus: lol
Lateralus: seen clerks?
Lateralus: the movie
SCC: no
Lateralus: this guy tries to suck his own dick
Lateralus: lol
Lateralus: u try that?
SCC: nope
Lateralus: o
SCC: icq is being gay
Lateralus: yeah
Lateralus: how do u feel if i were to tell u i know bry?
Lateralus: online
Lateralus: not in real life
SCC: id feel sorry for you
Lateralus: and that i have been recording all of this, and emailing it to him
Lateralus: think he would laugh at u?
SCC: then send this, "hey bitch bry, im coming back and ill be seeing you"
Lateralus: okay
Lateralus: you can tell him yourself
Lateralus: because i am

*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
Lateralus: im glad you spilled your guys trekky fan
SCC: *claps* whoopdie doo
Lateralus: say hi to PSX2central for us
Lateralus: could you?
SCC: whos that
Lateralus: a forum
Lateralus: i post at
Lateralus: probably one of the better gaming forums, with lots of viewers, alot of them hackers, who have ur ISp address
Lateralus: home address
Lateralus: all that stuff
SCC: im so scared
Lateralus: really
SCC: yeah man, im so scared i forgot to tremble
Lateralus: really
Lateralus: im kidding
Lateralus: lol
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
SCC: *snores*
Lateralus: dude
Lateralus: i dont do that stuff
Lateralus: u have any brothers, name jim and linda?
SCC: no, and linda is a girls name
Lateralus: cool
Lateralus: whats ur name?
SCC: i told u that yesterday
Lateralus: mine is fink
Lateralus: no u didnt
Lateralus: chris?
SCC: everybody calls me SCC so thats what i go by
Lateralus: christopher su
Lateralus: you sound gay
Lateralus: are you?
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
Lateralus: mr. su
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
SCC: you got a point to all this? im gettin bored by your bs
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
*** Error while sending IM: Rate limit to client reached - this user may be on a mobile device.
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: DEH COCKEH?
Lateralus: deh cockeh is deh wondefahl deing
Lateralus: nah, im just pulling a prank for bry
Lateralus: i know him
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
Lateralus: well have fun ******
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
edit if u need to, me and r4nd0m going huntin