my fave was done by two co-workers a few years ago. The one guy\'s half-sister and her husband got a new puppy and like any new puppy, it barked all the time in the backyard. All the neighbors loved this puppy, tho- so it was all cool. Well these two guys were all drunk one night so the guy not related to her called and put on his best angry black man voice and threatened to kill the dog if it didn\'t shut up. They totally expected to be found out during the call, they were being so ridiculous...saying shit like,
"I wuz late for work at KFC cuz of yo dam\' dog! You know what kinda shit the boss gives me if I don\'t thaw the biscuts in the mo\'nin\'? Shit, they busted my ass down to fry duty, an\' I can\'t be havin\' dat!"
So anyway it was so bad they just expected them to blow it off. 10 minutes later, they get a call from the sister crying hysterically asking if they wanted the puppy. He didn\'t have the heart to tell her that it was them. He had it on tape, it rocked. The other guy richie (who played the angry black man) also has tapes of him calling east-side bars asking for leroy. When he gets leroy on the phone (old drunk) they talk for like 15 minutes about shit. The guy totally thinks he knows him.