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Author Topic: The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)  (Read 8460 times)

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #195 on: April 29, 2003, 03:58:10 PM »
That theory has been tried. Im not sure what the results have been though. Although it seems logical.

Spudz, your freind didnt just wake up and say "Today, i am gay" then a week later wake up and say "Im not gay, infact, i have to attraction to males at all" thats not how things work.

And how do you know this?

Maybe your gay "friends" told you this? People change their minds alot. And sometimes for the better, other times for the worse.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline Riku
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #196 on: April 29, 2003, 03:59:30 PM »
You as a human being have the right to think however you want, but you shouldn\'t at other people\'s expense.

You created this thread and clearly haven\'t been able to keep up.  Your arguement is one sided and narrow.

We are not born as equals.  Intelligence and physical characteristics can be developed but not everyone can acheive the level of a rocket scientist or comprehend the art of poetry so to speak.
O rly?

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #197 on: April 29, 2003, 04:04:01 PM »
We are not born as equals.

A gay racist? :laughing:

You as a human being have the right to think however you want, but you shouldn\'t at other people\'s expense.

I dont see how Im able to hurt you by posting words on the internet. If I were to take real action, than so be it- you can be offended by that. Its alot like protesting- they never hurt anyone. Although disliked as a whole, at least here. They are sometimes supported, and it isnt illegal.

You created this thread and clearly haven\'t been able to keep up. You\'re arguement is one sided and narrow.

I do have a life, I believe I keep up fine at the forum. And about my arguement being one sided- :laughing: You want me to contradict? Its all in perspective, I can see yours as one sided and narrow. And you can do the same.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline Riku
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #198 on: April 29, 2003, 04:11:21 PM »
I haven\'t imputed my beliefs on anyone, not intentionally.  I\'ve taken this issue from every angle without being too critical of any one theory.  I\'ve spoken for myself.

You honestly believe that a 4\'2" person could be at the same athletic level of a 6\'5" person?  Someone with muscular destrophy(sp?) could become a body builder? This ties in with the whole "we don\'t get to make all our choices" debate.

You\'re not offending me in the least.  Your stubborn ignorance is just off putting, that\'s all.
O rly?

Offline Deadly Hamster
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #199 on: April 29, 2003, 04:17:14 PM »
I do not have any gay freinds actualy, but I do know who people who are Bi/Gay.

Spudz, your telling me you actualy believe people wake up and decide to no longer be attracted to women?

People do not just choose to be Homo/Bi/or Heterosexual, it\'s not like something you can be one day and not be the next. You can change your mind about whether you WILL be gay or not, but that doesnt change how you feel. You still have the same feelings towards people of the same sex.

If Rikku wanted to live life hidding his feelings, he could do that. But he\'d still be attracted to men, and he wouldn\'t change at all on the inside.

So, if your not understanding why people "Choose" to show homosexual feelings, it\'s the same reason people "Choose" to show heterosexual feelings.
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
- Bouncing Souls

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #200 on: April 29, 2003, 04:30:44 PM »
Spudz, your telling me you actualy believe people wake up and decide to no longer be attracted to women?

Where did I say this?

You honestly believe that a 4\'2" person could be at the same athletic level of a 6\'5" person? Someone with muscular destrophy(sp?) could become a body builder? This ties in with the whole "we don\'t get to make all our choices" debate.

Ever heard practice makes perfect? Here how about the many stories of people born without legs that have become extremely fast runners. Students born without arms that have become on every honor roll, and homeless people who are now multi millionares? I sure have, and I will prove every single one of them if you doubt me.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline Deadly Hamster
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #201 on: April 29, 2003, 04:33:13 PM »
quote:Spudz, your freind didnt just wake up and say "Today, i am gay" then a week later wake up and say "Im not gay, infact, i have to attraction to males at all" thats not how things work.

And how do you know this?

Maybe your gay "friends" told you this? People change their minds alot. And sometimes for the better, other times for the worse.

Sure sounded like you were saying i was wrong there. *Shrugs*

Missing legs has nothing to do with being gay.
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
- Bouncing Souls

Offline Cyrus
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #202 on: April 29, 2003, 04:51:51 PM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
Cyrus, you must be pretty dumb. Its pretty obvious that men were designed to be attracted to women, a penis goes into the vagina and before you can say "hey, there\'s a bun in the oven" the women is pregnent.

Homosexuality is a birth defect, its something that was not supposed to happen, but has, so you just have to make the most of it.

Ahhh and the Holy Roller chimes in, yes most God fearing people do belive that if you think differently than most and espically differently then what the Bible says is right then you must not have any sense.I\'m very glad that you think im dumb because I have my own opion enjoy your messages with spudz he is much more on your level of conversing. Furthermore welcome Mr. Do as I say and not as I do wasnt it you that posted "blah blah if you christian then who shouldnt judge blah blah.... and your the reason I dont.
When did I realize I was God? One day I was praying and suddenly realized I was talking to myself.[/font]

Offline Riku
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #203 on: April 29, 2003, 04:58:07 PM »

Ever heard practice makes perfect? Here how about the many stories of people born without legs that have become extremely fast runners. Students born without arms that have become on every honor roll, and homeless people who are now multi millionares? I sure have, and I will prove every single one of them if you doubt me.

I really don\'t think you need me to go on but I will any way...

Are they the fastest runners? No.  Put them up against someone more fortunate and you\'ll clearly see they are not equals.

I proved we are not all born with the same abilities.

I don\'t see how anything else you posted applies.  Yes, people can overcome obstacles.  This doesn\'t have anything to do with the issue at hand.
O rly?

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #204 on: April 29, 2003, 05:34:09 PM »
Yes it does. You said not all people are born equal, the same. I proved other wise.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #205 on: April 29, 2003, 05:53:31 PM »
Spudz, I understand what your getting at, but you don\'t understand what Rikku is trying to say. Sure, people can overcome certain adversaries, but they still dont have legs. They will never have legs, but they can learn to deal with not having legs. Not all legless people have this kinda luck though, and only a very very small percentage of people can overcome something like this.

Its the same with being gay, some people can try and overcome this \'disadvantage\' but most cannot. People will never stop being gay, but they might learn how to \'overcome\' the certain feelings.

Same as someone who is black that wants to be white. Sure, they can have all the surgery and skin treatments in the world, but they will always STILL be black, regardless of what they look like. I believe the only way someone can actually change is through healing from Christ, but thats not to say that being gay is a sin. Its like being born with cancer, Christ can heal you of it so you can live a \'normal\' life.

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #206 on: April 29, 2003, 06:08:42 PM »
Why does christ need to be involved with wether people are gay or not?

And being gay is a sin. What religion are you Racer?
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
- Bouncing Souls

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #207 on: April 29, 2003, 06:12:47 PM »
Deadly, I am a Christian.

I was just stating that to be completely changed, Christ would need to \'heal\' you.  How can you say its a sin if its something you physically can\'t change?

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #208 on: April 29, 2003, 06:18:20 PM »
Im merley saying what i believe Chirstians believe, that being homosexual is a sin. I know that to be true in the catholic church, what type of christian are you?
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
- Bouncing Souls

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #209 on: April 29, 2003, 06:27:56 PM »
So your saying we are born smart? So why do we go to school?

Intelligence and knowledge are two completely different things.  Humans naturally have incredibly high intellects (at least relative to animals), yet we still need to go to school to aquire the knowledge to survive in our society.

Ever heard practice makes perfect? Here how about the many stories of people born without legs that have become extremely fast runners. Students born without arms that have become on every honor roll, and homeless people who are now multi millionares? I sure have, and I will prove every single one of them if you doubt me.

Those are the worst analogies I\'ve ever read.  What does not having arms have anything to do with your grades at school?  It effects neither your intelligence, nor work ethic.  Being homeless has nothing to do with being born equally (physical/mental) or not.  Being able to run fast with synthetic legs does not have anything to do with being equal or not.  You might as well strap a rocket pack to their back and scream "LOOK HOW FAST HE\'S RUNNING".  Although, if they can run as fast as today\'s fastest runners using just their stumps, THEN you might have a point ;)  

I proved other wise.

You proved that you could make really lame comparisons that don\'t make sense.

A person with no arms, defying all intellectual limitations of.. NOT HAVING ARMS goes on to become an honor roll student.  Who would have thought it!!?  I mean.. he had NO ARMS, how did he do his exams!?

I will say this, some people can make a conscious decision to be gay.  If someone were open minded with their sexuality they may wish to experiment.  This ties in particularly with women.  This is a conscious decision based again, on their enviornment and the personalities that have been instilled within them ~~ To be more open minded toward these things.  Though in the majority of cases, a person being gay is the result of a SUBCONSCIOUS choice, that they have no control over.  Though, your enviornment mostly effects you at a younger age, (you absorb more) which is why most people know they are gay at a younger age.  Spudz, it completely possible for YOU to be gay in the future.  Did you know that a lot of men don\'t realize they are gay until they are married and have children?

(Note:  I said the word \'realize\', as it wasn\'t something they were simply hiding away, living a lie (though it can be), they just never had feelings - at least according to the guys interviewed on this TV show I watched :p)

We live in a society which is geared toward the fact that women are supposed to be with men, and not men with men, not women with women.  This is why most of us are attracted to women.  If we grew up in a society which was based completely on sex with whoever and whenever that\'s what we will all be like (though with obvious exceptions).  Hell, I think that our society could evolve into that one day in (distant) the future.  This goes back to the original point I was making in this tangent, openmindedness can be instilled in you based on your environment.


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