So your saying we are born smart? So why do we go to school?
Intelligence and knowledge are two completely different things. Humans naturally have incredibly high intellects (at least relative to animals), yet we still need to go to school to aquire the knowledge to survive in our society.
Ever heard practice makes perfect? Here how about the many stories of people born without legs that have become extremely fast runners. Students born without arms that have become on every honor roll, and homeless people who are now multi millionares? I sure have, and I will prove every single one of them if you doubt me.
Those are the worst analogies I\'ve ever read. What does not having arms have anything to do with your grades at school? It effects neither your intelligence, nor work ethic. Being homeless has nothing to do with being born equally (physical/mental) or not. Being able to run fast with synthetic legs does not have anything to do with being equal or not. You might as well strap a rocket pack to their back and scream "LOOK HOW FAST HE\'S RUNNING". Although, if they can run as fast as today\'s fastest runners using just their stumps, THEN you might have a point
I proved other wise.
You proved that you could make really lame comparisons that don\'t make sense.
A person with no arms, defying all intellectual limitations of.. NOT HAVING ARMS goes on to become an honor roll student. Who would have thought it!!? I mean.. he had NO ARMS, how did he do his exams!?
I will say this, some people can make a conscious decision to be gay. If someone were open minded with their sexuality they may wish to experiment. This ties in particularly with women. This is a conscious decision based again, on their enviornment and the personalities that have been instilled within them ~~ To be more open minded toward these things. Though in the majority of cases, a person being gay is the result of a SUBCONSCIOUS choice, that they have no control over. Though, your enviornment mostly effects you at a younger age, (you absorb more) which is why most people know they are gay at a younger age. Spudz, it completely possible for YOU to be gay in the future. Did you know that a lot of men don\'t realize they are gay until they are married and have children?
(Note: I said the word \'realize\', as it wasn\'t something they were simply hiding away, living a lie (though it can be), they just never had feelings - at least according to the guys interviewed on this TV show I watched

We live in a society which is geared toward the fact that women are supposed to be with men, and not men with men, not women with women. This is why most of us are attracted to women. If we grew up in a society which was based completely on sex with whoever and whenever that\'s what we will all be like (though with obvious exceptions). Hell, I think that our society
could evolve into that one day in (distant) the future. This goes back to the original point I was making in this tangent, openmindedness can be instilled in you based on your environment.