Well. Naturally, my terrible memory made me completely forget to take a camera... luckily, they\'ve got a guy with a digital clicking away all day, so I\'ll have some pics in a week or so (they put them up on the site, after a couple of weeks).
You start the day with some classroom instruction, and I learned a lot of new information, and some great tips (over and above my YDoC course - Young Driver\'s), including seating position, new mirror positions, and wheel handling techniques. That\'s about an hour and a half. Then you work on practicals. In the morning, my group worked with 330i sedans, we did braking and understeer/understeer recovery. That took us about 3:30 hours. We had our catered lunch break, and then did more practicals in the afternoon. Emergency manouver (lanechange), and understeer/understeer recovery. After 3 hours of that, we did the slolem (race), which my team came in third (2.2 seconds apart... first place team was only .4 seconds apart!).
It\'s absolutely first-class the whole day, the drinks, cars, track. They wet the track with a water truck about 20 times in the day, the food is great, and the cars are sweet. You can (obviously, you need to) turn off all the driving systems in the cars with a switch, but you also get to test them, and they\'re pretty darn neat. It\'s virtually impossible to throw your car into a rear wheel skid at reasonable speeds with the bmw systems on (understeer is possible, of course, but that\'s easy to recover from).
I\'m certainly going to take level 2, perfection level driving, but level three might be out of my price range.
Level 1 - Focused on defensive techniques, 4 excersizes, $480, full day, in 330i sedans.
Level 2 - Seven excersizes, 4 defensive, 3 performance (ie, rear wheel controlled skid around a 180 degree turn and recovery at speed), full day, 330i sedans and m3 mixed, $870.
Level 3 - $2900 (yikes!), two full days, 15 excersizes, all performance related, at a different location, on a track fully approved for racing. In M3s exclusively.
Prices are in CDN dollars, not including tax. The program is available in I think around 17 countries in the world now.... and the certificate is accepted from any country to anther.