dude,rather you than me.thats all I can say.
we were all happy for you until you revealed where you worked.
your job will entail just putting up Tomb Raider posters saying "coming may 2003!" only to find it\'s been delayed and have to take them down again, then do the same next month.
oh and get fed bullshit by the manager that the budget games in the crappy basket are actually COOL just to get some gullible 8 year old to pester his mum to buy it him.
I\'m sorry but my mate,who I went to college with, is the manager of GAME in Preston and he says that it\'s sometimes shit.
I\'ve stopped asking the spotty,pubeless,twats who work there when a game is out, or if it\'s any good cause all I get fed is bullshit by them. no offence Styx, you might be a sound bloke, but as soon as you put on the uniform, you transform into one of them and lose all your mates...I know this cause you can tell just by looking at the sad tosser with glasses who works there with a name badge saying "Thomas" who thinks Mario is "the daddy" and Pokemon is still the "in-thing" :nut:

:crap: :sconf: :clown: