I got stung this evening. About 5 minutes after I began having sharp sensations in my hands, then my feet. I then had severe pains in my chest. I began sweating like a madman. Lona called the paramedics and they came. My blood pressure when they got there was 80 over 40. It was not cool. THe raised my feet and I started feeling better. BP went back up.
I\'m telling you that was so much pain. Right now my hand is swelled up like a balloon. It sucks.
I\'ve been stung a few times by bees, but I think this is the first wasp. Brutal. I\'m going to run like a school girl from now on from those little bitches.
Any of you have any brutal experiences? For me Wasps kick bee ass. When I got stung by the bees I was like, "That all you got bitch?" But the wasp, damn that was freaking scary.