Alright guy\'s, first off I want to point out that tongue splitting is nothing new. CNN is just tryin\' to catch up with times. Tongue splitting has been done for years now and there is many different methods.
What\'s nasty about this? It\'s personal choice. It\'s just the same as piercing an ear, in my opinion. Getting your hair cut, piercing your ear and all those things are a form of body modification and you know what else is? Circumcision - its a body modification , that most people don\'t even have a choice on.
As for them being "sick" - you know what\'s sick? People who judge other people, soley on the fact that those people chose to modify their body how they see fit. I speak from experience. I have had more piercings in my lifetime, than most people. I had them visible and I got negative attention - did I care? No, it\'s their ignorance.
As for this tongue splitting - personally, I have considered it . I see nothing wrong with it. It\'s your body and you\'re right to modify it. Just as its your right to cut your hair.
My point to all this? It\'s personal choice and tongue splitting and other modifications are no different than the every day modification\'s we people do to our bodies. Yes, one may be more painful and less common than the other - but its no different. It\'s a person\'s right to modify their body as they see fit. You can argue that this is permanent - but so are tattoo\'s (for the most part). And you know what? At one time tattoo\'s was considered "evil" or "hardcore" modifications and now what? We see them on most people, somewhere . I can imagine a day when tongue splitting is the same.
Ignorance may be bliss - but it is also the truly "sickening" thing. Not the modifications.