I\'ve got a few thoughts about the whole "The Matrix" universe. It doesn\'t necessarily relate only to Matrix: Reloaded.
1) In theory - in our real world - a simulation would be just that: a
simulation. Meaning that the \'people\' living inside the simulation are not real people, but rather complicated pieces of programming. So there wouldn\'t be a \'living\' human being behind every simulated person in the simulated world.
2) Let\'s assume there\'s a matrix inside a matrix. Why stop at two simulations? There could be hundreds of simulations, where in each one \'person\' would believe it\'s the only one - the \'real\' world.
3) If the machines really were living off humans, then why bother to create a matrix for them to live in at all? And how would it even be possible to connect living humans into a simulation (I know it\'s just a movie/theory and all, but still)? As I see it there would be two options:
- Either the humans used for energy are in a state of coma, not realising a damn thing about the real world they exist in
- or the humans would be consious of their (ab)use and capture by the machines. Either way it shouldn\'t be too hard for such advanced machines to make sure that the humans couldn\'t move/escape, thus making it moot whether they\'re aware of their fate or not. But the first option would be easier for the machines I reckon.
I\'m sure I could think of a lot more regarding this issue, but I gotta go now. Perhaps there\'ll be more later.