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Author Topic: For those that have seen the matrix reloaded (no spoilers)  (Read 7028 times)

Offline Lord Nicon
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2003, 03:28:23 PM »
Niiiice. Thanx a million zeric. It will definately come in handy. I cant wait for revolution/revelations i forgot. But for anybody that goes, stay till the end of the credits for the revolutions trailer. All i have to say is DAMN; and well worth the very small wait and just enough to get you pissed cause you know that reloaded isnt the last one. thats what i call a teaser.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2003, 03:31:51 PM »
Dont know- I didnt watch the first one until it came out on video.

Probably do the same- maybe I\'ll wait until the nerds die out here.

But definetly not the greatest movie ever. Jenna Loves Briana tops any move, ever.
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2003, 03:34:10 PM »
Originally posted by Spudz
Dont know- I didnt watch the first one until it came out on video.

Probably do the same- maybe I\'ll wait until the nerds die out here.

But definetly not the greatest movie ever. Jenna Loves Briana tops any move, ever.

Would we be reffering to Jenna Jameson and Briana Banks or is that just my perverted mind at work?
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
Debra Lafave Is My Hero ;) lol

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2003, 03:56:17 PM »
What do you think?

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2003, 07:10:34 PM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon

[sp]Yeah ive been wondering about the whole matrix within a matrix thing all day and it is true that we dont know. Sure neo was able to sense the machines outside of the matrix but we also dont know why he collapsed. If it were a matrix inside another then maybe he collapsed due to tougher restraints in the ultimate matrix. If there isnt then i guess we will see what the wachowski brothers come up with later in the year. I have also spoken with some friends of mine and by what the architect (in the movie) said, neo could very well be a program himself possibly created by the oracle to sum up her whole implementation of CHOICE. When i left the theare i fully understood what the architect was saying but now its a little hazy. When the oracle helped to rebiuld the matrix and implemented choice, they said that 99.9 or 99 percent would fully accept the matrix leaving 1 percent: thus the one. Now i dont remember if the 1 percent being there was a flaw, or if neo and all the other "ones" were just necissary for the rest of the 99 percent to accept the matrix.  [/sp]

[sp]I really don\'t think the remaining 0.1% referred to the one.  I think it referred collectively to all the minds that had been freed.  Otherwise it would have had to have been a smalled percentage.[/sp]

Oh, and for spoilers, surround them with [*sp] tags (without the *)

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2003, 07:15:29 PM »
Oh, and my theory on the end:

[sp]I think that when he and Agent Smith killed eachother, but both came back, they sort of put some of eachother in the other one.  I think that Neo has some elements of Agent Smith in him, thus all the references to him being machine like in the movie.  I think this somehow connects him to the other machines, and that has something to do with how he was able to stop the other machines.[/sp]

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2003, 08:05:04 PM »
Well, I watched it, and I thought it was really good.

[sp]But I thought the ending sucked a bit, left me wanting too much more, I was scratching my head a bit though, few things that left me thinking, like Neo stopping the machines in the real world, very odd.

 my fav bits in the film were the car chase and the fight scene where neo kicks like 200 Agent Smith\'s asses.

I also just watched the matrix 3 trailer, looked very good and I can\'t wait.[/sp]
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2003, 08:41:00 PM »
I have mixed feelings.

I thought the action sequences were absolutely amazing, unrivaled.  However, they were just fluff.

The plot was extremely slow moving and left so much to be desired.

I honestly don\'t see why they needed to break this into two movies...whatever.

X2 holds title as the best action film this year, IMO.  Charlie\'s Angels and T3 are coming up though:)

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2003, 10:38:20 PM »
I\'m going to go see Reloaded saturday. I can\'t wait. I have not read the spoilers I want to be shocked by everything I see.

And Ginko X2 was not that action packed. What movie were you watching? X2 was more story than action. But I guess thats your opinion even though it was not all that action packed.
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2003, 11:57:04 PM »
I took off that stupid "No Spoilers" portion of the thread title.  If the thread is for those who HAVE seen it, then those who have not have no place being here if they are looking for impressions not containing spoilers.  Just pointless.

One quick comment: ooseven, please watch the film when it comes out in your region so you can discuss it with us with your own opinions of the happenings in the film.  It\'s not interesting reading the regurgitated accumulative opinions of others translated with your interpretation.  I\'d much rather have your own personal beliefs on the subject after experiencing it.  If I want P-A\'s opinion, I\'ll browse their boards.

As for the film, I have mixed feelings about it.  I loved the introduced philosophy presented by the architect at the end and how the Oracle hits you with the fact that the Matrix is nothing more then a series of sentient programs no matter what happens to them when faced with nullification or with their daily "Task" as in maintaining the sun and the gravity, etc etc.  within the Matrix system.  Although the system itself is referred to repeatedly as a control mechanism, I have trouble imagining it as such when it fails in its design on purpose or so the architect would make you believe.

I definitely appreciate the explanation at the end of the film though with the televisions displaying the previous opinions of the other "one\'s" before Neo.  Quite hilarious hearing that dialogue overlapped, but a very believeable human response as the architect made note of.  Here\'s a question to pine over which I\'m sure a lot of you don\'t really have a quick answer for:

If the Matrix is control and the coming of the One was something prophesized by the Oracle happening on purpose to cater to the needs of those unwilling to be plugged into the Matrix, then why give Neo the choice to destroy the Matrix and all those plugged into it in the first place?

I ask this question because, not only did the Oracle prophesize the arrival of the one, as she did six times before, but she also told Trinity that she and the One would fall in love.  Making note of that, it opened the door to the choice at the end of the film that Neo hastily made.  If the Oracle had designed the system to restart every hundred years, then why not just give him the one choice to restart the system?  I realize the machines are ready to cope with the loss of such an abundant energy source, but why risk it?  Confusing.  Unless of course, the new realized power Neo has in the "real" is actually a manifesting power in another Matrix.  Trippy sh*t either way.

I am tending to believe that the "Real" is just another Matrix-like simulation however.  How can you tell if it\'s not?  "How do you define real?  If you are talking about what you can smell or touch or see or taste, then real is simply electrical impulses interpreted by your brain."  That\'s one reason why I believe the second Matrix theory, but the other, a much more glaring fact, is when Neo recieved a spoon from the orphan boy from the first film.  Why did he have that delivered?  Just a symbolic gesture that his mind is now free?  Doubtful.  If the Matrix films have taught us anything, there are very deep meanings even to the most common elements.  I think the spoon is a reference to the first film saying simply "There is still no spoon" further confirming the ideas of this paragraph.

Well, whatever the case, I hope some of you thought about the film and it\'s concepts as deeply as I have and have come up with some conclusions refuting or agreeing with my opinions above.
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2003, 12:37:49 AM »
Originally posted by Ryu

One quick comment: ooseven, please watch the film when it comes out in your region so you can discuss it with us with your own opinions of the happenings in the film.  It\'s not interesting reading the regurgitated accumulative opinions of others translated with your interpretation.  I\'d much rather have your own personal beliefs on the subject after experiencing it.  If I want P-A\'s opinion, I\'ll browse their boards.

Sorry Ryu buddy.. but I’ll wait till it goes rental.. but I will at least give it a fair chance when it does ... the first film disappointed me and as for the whole concept of the matrix is a direct rip off of Red Dwarfs Better than Life.Plus I find the concept all flash no substance.

Anyway my Agro was aimed at the comment that this is the Greatest film of all time... which kind of got my back up .. hance the venom aimed at the film.

on the P-A refrence..... i just checked them to see if i was right with my Guess about the ending of the film (i also checked the Zion switchboard (U-Go Matrix forum) for references to reloaded and Animatrix.)

beleve it or not i didn\'t even know i managed to hit the nail on the head and i didn\'t use spoiler tags with my joke in my first post.... thank God for you people out there that i went and checked that my passing joke was so close to the mark it could of spoiled the whole experience for everyone here who hasent seen it.

Anyhoo i went back and [sp]ed the lines which could spoil.

Go me :D


To all Matrix fans... sorry for the Bashing...... :(
« Last Edit: May 16, 2003, 02:29:07 AM by ooseven »
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2003, 06:07:07 AM »
I love how Matrix Reloaded provokes some thoughts about philosophical questions regarding : Choices, the great deceiver (or higher power) and Life (or self in regards to Agent Smith uploading itself to a human brain).
The Oracle, French guy and the Key Maker, basically are programs that chose to live on. Neo is given a series of questions by the Architect (I love how they made him seated and small - like the like Wizard of Oz), which, I think if you noticed the monitors in the background, the 5 other "previous" Neo\'s had their own choice of answers. The current Neo, calm and collected, made a more well behaved decision (he\'s a better version, I suppose). Destroy the Matrix and kill all the plugged in humans (seems like the Matrix has backup power) or save Trinity and destroy Zion? Decisions decisions! It\'s all about choices, eh? Or is it?

Remember when the French guy told Neo, Trinity and Morpheus that they are still "following" orders? From what? The Matrix, the great deceiver?

Let\'s just say that there is no "layered" Matrix for this next one : Self. In the first movie, Cypher wanted to go back to the Matrix and he wanted no memory of the "real" world, therefore, the brain can be re-written. Which may explain why Agent Smith was able to upload himself (or itself) to a human brain. So, the next philosophical question is : What is "Life" and the "Self" of a person?
Was one of the writers a phylosophy major? Gawd dang....an action flick with Kung Fu and Phylosophy (or Taoism or Daoism)!

Neat. =8^)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2003, 06:17:19 AM by ooseven »
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2003, 06:13:01 AM »
Bloody hell Gman that was one well writen post...

sorry buddy but i [Sp] it just incase i ruined the film for anyone, as it dose hit at some of the secrets.

but still 10 out of 10 for your phylosophy 101
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2003, 06:17:42 AM »

 I thought the subject heading would ward off the unplugged viewers. :) Anyway, better safe than sorry.
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2003, 06:21:21 AM »
Sorry Ryu buddy.. but I’ll wait till it goes rental.. but I will at least give it a fair chance when it does ... the first film disappointed me and as for the whole concept of the matrix is a direct rip off of Red Dwarfs Better than Life.Plus I find the concept all flash no substance.

I don\'t care if you have gripes with the film.  You\'re definitely NOT the only one and you definitely won\'t be the last and that\'s for sure.  But you have gripes with it without even seeing it and that I can\'t see the logic in, which is why I made my comments.  Yes, you read the spoilers, but that doesn\'t make your opinion completely valid.  Maybe the way it\'s presented will make you love it, or maybe it won\'t -- the point is, take it for a test drive before spewing your opinion.  That\'s all I ask.
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