this list is for everyone. the following films are REQUIRED viewing for anyone who considers themself a "movie fan"
"seven samurai 1954" - Akira Kurosawa. If you can\'t find it, break down and get a film called "the magnificent seven" with Yul Brynner. It\'s an american remake as a western (all the great westerns are remakes of japanese films), but still a great film. my favorite film of all time....

"yojimbo 1961" - Akira Kurosawa (remade as a "fistfull of dollars" with clint eastwood, and then again as "last man standing" with bruce willis)

"sanjuro 1962" - Akira Kurosawa (remade as "for a few dollars more" with clint eastwood)

"metropolis 1927" - Fritz Lang

"rear window 1954" - Alfred Hitchcock

"blade runner director\'s cut 1982" - Ridley Scott

"the seventh seal 1957" - Ingmar Bergman

watch these (if you can, half of them are 50 years or older and subtitled), and then get back to me and tell me the matrix is such a great film...