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Originally posted by Titan I Am A Freaking Moron
Originally posted by Unicron! Thank God u noticed:D j/kDont worry mate.Everybody makes mistakes.Except me ofcourse....but anyways...thats a diffewrent matter:D
Originally posted by Titan Speaking of mistakes, there is a space after a period so its not ".Everybody" but ". Everybody"; ofcourse is spelt ofcoarse...I think, and "differwrent" is spelled "different"
Originally posted by videoholic Just talk about skin moisturizers and lace panties and you\'ll gel right in.
Lace panties, no... unless you want to get slapped.
Originally posted by FatalXception Of course still needs a space, and it\'s not "of coarse," it\'s "of course."
Originally posted by Spudz Was your keyboard made in Russia? Couldnt resist.