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Author Topic: DSL vs Cable Modems  (Read 1313 times)

Offline KillaX
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DSL vs Cable Modems
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2003, 08:28:19 PM »
here is mine as of about 2 minutes ago:

1515kb/sec up and 345kb/sec down that is from dslreports.com
185KB/sec Transfer rate
that is on Roadrunner Cablemodem

« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 08:32:49 PM by KillaX »
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Offline NVIDIA256
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DSL vs Cable Modems
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2003, 09:23:24 PM »
I have Ultra ADSL from Bell sympatico (canada)

I get 3mb/s down and 1.5 mb/s up all for $35 US($52 can)

As for this useless debate, DSL nor Cable is better, what determines which one performs up to standards is totally reliant on the PROVIDER not the method. Some area\'s cable is bad others it is good. Same goes for DSL

Anyhow I\'d like to see what cable providers are going to do when VDSL(DSLx10) becomes mainstream, cable will just not be able to keep up as VDSL is capable of achieving 30mb/s theoretically which real world has shown to be 10mb/s. They have it running in posh condo-minions, and in the new development area\'s.

now if you ask me over here in canada they have a VDSL network running in certain limited area\'s acheaving 15mb/s not bad considering when it become avalible widestream it\'s coast will replace that of ADSL(same price)

Screw cable!

Offline jm
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DSL vs Cable Modems
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2003, 08:18:26 AM »
I believe they are testing Fiberoptic cable as we speak...

Not sure if that\'s the answer to VDSL or not...

I have been using cable since \'94/95. I was actually one of the first beta testers in my area (Long Island, NY) and when it finally became offically available (I think around \'97 or \'98, not sure) there were tons of problems. I can remember the kaos I had during \'99 and \'00. Constant down times and wishy washy rates. But over the past two years, it is really truly something else. Absolute rock solid, 24/7 servise. Because Cablevision is classified as a tri-state monopoly in terms of overall cable servise, DSL wasn\'t really offered until recently. Pending on the plan you have, the original fee per month was $29.99, but now they increased it to $49.99. So, certain DSL companies are testing waters with offering DSL nowdays....

If you have a choice on DSL or cable, go with cable without question. Unless they offer a higher class of DSL at a very affordable rate, then check into how far/close you are from them. Otherwise, cable is the safest bet 95% of the time.
You think positive, I\'ll think realistic.

Offline Lord Nicon
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DSL vs Cable Modems
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2003, 10:18:55 AM »
Originally posted by jm
I believe they are testing Fiberoptic cable as we speak...

Not sure if that\'s the answer to VDSL or not...

I have been using cable since \'94/95. I was actually one of the first beta testers in my area (Long Island, NY) and when it finally became offically available (I think around \'97 or \'98, not sure) there were tons of problems. I can remember the kaos I had during \'99 and \'00. Constant down times and wishy washy rates. But over the past two years, it is really truly something else. Absolute rock solid, 24/7 servise. Because Cablevision is classified as a tri-state monopoly in terms of overall cable servise, DSL wasn\'t really offered until recently. Pending on the plan you have, the original fee per month was $29.99, but now they increased it to $49.99. So, certain DSL companies are testing waters with offering DSL nowdays....

If you have a choice on DSL or cable, go with cable without question. Unless they offer a higher class of DSL at a very affordable rate, then check into how far/close you are from them. Otherwise, cable is the safest bet 95% of the time.

Yeah i remember when cable was coming out. The service was horrible. We even had cable modems on some old EnergyStar type computers with no more than about 1 gig of memory for businesses(uhg). It had the port where it was actually a cable jack, just like the one in the wall. Now I am more than pleased and my speeds are great. Maybe around an estimated 1.5 meg/s but of course i only really dl at about 130-400k/s. How much are the newer DSL lines (large bandwidth)?
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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