I believe they are testing Fiberoptic cable as we speak...
Not sure if that\'s the answer to VDSL or not...
I have been using cable since \'94/95. I was actually one of the first beta testers in my area (Long Island, NY) and when it finally became offically available (I think around \'97 or \'98, not sure) there were tons of problems. I can remember the kaos I had during \'99 and \'00. Constant down times and wishy washy rates. But over the past two years, it is really truly something else. Absolute rock solid, 24/7 servise. Because Cablevision is classified as a tri-state monopoly in terms of overall cable servise, DSL wasn\'t really offered until recently. Pending on the plan you have, the original fee per month was $29.99, but now they increased it to $49.99. So, certain DSL companies are testing waters with offering DSL nowdays....
If you have a choice on DSL or cable, go with cable without question. Unless they offer a higher class of DSL at a very affordable rate, then check into how far/close you are from them. Otherwise, cable is the safest bet 95% of the time.