Some good sups are;
For fat loss I like Ripped Fuel, but they\'re all good as long as they have ephedra.
For putting on muscle mas, Massaction by Metrx is freak\'n GOD! It Hydroxymethyl Byrate, Creatine, Trymethylglycine and L-Glutamine (I spelled those off the top of my head, so forgive typo\'s) all those ingredients purchesed seperatly would cost about 100 bucks, but come in one package in massaction for 30-40. The big active ingredients in Massaction are the Creatine which replenishes ATP (the basic fuel for your muscle, when you have muscle failure is because you have no ATP left), THE HMB staves of catabolism and speeds up the muscle repair as does the L-Glutamine.
Also Protien is a HUGE factor in muscle production. It\'s important stuff, so eat alot of it.
I\'m a bit tired right now, but if anyone has any Q\'s, just ask them and I\'ll answer them.