Today I took my dog for a swim at a river which is about a block from my house. The part that I take him to is pretty remote and I\'ve never seen anyone near it, so I feel safe to let my dog go off his leash and let him swim all he wants. While he was swimming I decided to work on my tan so I took off my shirt, and about 10 mintues later this fat kid tries to sneak up on me, but my dog hears his foot steps and starts to growl. I kept subtley warning my dog not to go after him, and to continue playing. The kid finally stopped "sneaking" about 30 feet from where I was, and took a seat indian style and sat there and starred at me for about 15 minutes. I finally got creeped out and left, but here\'s the kicker....I swear it\'s the same fat kid from the videos, so BEWARE!!!