Friggin MOTHS ARE EVERYWHERE. And they aren\'t your little peanut sized moths either, these are those nasty fat ones with heads the size of marbles. It\'s great to here the *thud* when you give one a good whack with a fly swatter. But dang, I open my fridge for a midnight snack and a big one comes darting out, I nearly crapped myself. Then I turned on the kitchen light, and like an army about 4 big ones went straight to it. I hid amongst the shadows equipped with a standard $.50 fly swatter from WalMart... I gripped the handle tightly, and bent my knees slightly, crossing one foot over the other. I didn\'t want to knock the light out, so I had to be very accurate. The second one pulled slightly away from it, I gave the swatter a mighty swing and sent one sailing clear across the hallway. Feeling slightly psychotic, I then hit another and backhanded even another in two quick swipes.
This next part is totally true...
The final moth saw his companions fall and I swear he literally went after me! He pulled away from the light and I stared right into his ugly little face as he came at me head-on. In a panic, I stumbled backwards and hit the deck. I rolled onto my stomach and remained there, frozen. I saw him perched on the wall, alert just as I was. I got up slowly.... His antennae flickered... I grasped the handle to the swatter, and his wings fluttered quickly. And before a blink, I smashed his entire being deep into the wall and brown sludge staind the white wall.
I cleaned the place up, had some cookies and milk, and now I am here.