Originally posted by GigaShadow
What environmental catastrophies have happened? Name some.
"cock ups"
you Euros have such inferiority complexes.
"white washes" do you mean whitewater? That is a Clinton scandal - shady real estate deals.
What US administration hasn\'t repaid campaign favors??? Surely you jest in that accusation.
War in Iraq = a good thing.
environmental catastrophes = Failure to comply with the Kyoto meeting, increase in fossil fuel reliance.
Foreign policy “cock-ups”
- Afghanistan the Aftermath
- Iraq the Aftermath
- The Turning the blind eye to Israel’s atrocity’s
- Funding and supporting Bin Laden (pre 9/11)
- Funding and supporting Saddam (nice Anthrax from Mr Rumsfeld)
white washes ... as in Emron scandals being swept under the carpet.
And while we are on the subject i find the fact that your more worryed about a leader that sleeps around than a leader that ****s about with the economy.
it must be the colonial Puritanism in you ;) j/k
oh and
War in Iraq was only good at making Middle class Americans Feel SAFER...the Actual result of the Iraq was was to make the world a more dangerous place i.e. Increase in terrorism.
Iraq was only ever a threat to Israel