Seriously, I have no idea why my guys just die at the end of rounds.... I end up with 30k spendable points around lvl 15, but I lose everybody! Nobody hits the damn castle, either!
Got it. The points you get during the round and at the end don\'t go for upkeep, so you have to have a bankroll to cover all your guys AT THE START of the round!
Well, now that I know that, the game is easy.
Lvl 28 done, I have 150000 hps, and 600k in the bank.
550 archers
200 wizards (all I do is convert, all round)
200 engineers (they\'re a bargain, 50 each instead of 200 like the others)
Everything dies soooo fast. I\'m just playin\' now to see if there will be any more units coming at me later.... heh.