An USA TODAY journalist has been able to watch the extended version of TTT. Here are some of the additions:
- 43 mins of new footage, among them:
- Faramir finds the boat with the body of his brother (flash with boromir)
- A scene with Faramir, Boromir and Denethor
- Boromir and Faramir flashback in a feast
- Eomer finds the dying Threoded and bring him to Theoden, but this, under the hand of Saruman, ignores him.
- Eowyn sings a sad song in the burial of Threoded
- Eowyn falls in love watching Aragorn how he calms down Brego whispering elfish words in the ear.
- Scene in which Barbol and other ents speak slowly and the hobbits do their best to avoid falling asleep.
- Eowyn, don\'t being a good cooker, brings Aragorn a bad cooked meat, and he eats it.
- New scenes between Aragorn and his beloved. It\'s revealed that Aragorn is 87 years old.