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Author Topic: Teen shot, killed while stealing rim  (Read 1602 times)

Offline Green Meanie
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Teen shot, killed while stealing rim
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2003, 01:31:14 AM »
You seem to misunderstand me, reasons for the Gulf War (the sequel) were bullshit, I\'m not totally anti-war, I just think it requires more justification than blatant paranoia.

Anyway, enough of that shit, we\'ve already argued enough about that and will never find a common ground.

I just think that the thieving little scrote with no respect for someone elses property paid the ultimate price, if he had not been a twat he\'d still be alive. That\'s why I say f*ck him.

Scumbags hurt in the line of scumbaggery get no sympathy.

Offline videoholic

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Teen shot, killed while stealing rim
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2003, 03:11:17 AM »
Dude, you need to re-read what you wrote.  

"I\'m not totally anti-war, I just think it requires more justification than blatant paranoia."

Dude shot a kid stealing a rim?  Kid wasn\'t coming after him, this isn\'t paranoia?

"I just think that the thieving little scrote with no respect for someone elses property paid the ultimate price, if he had not been a twat he\'d still be alive. That\'s why I say f*ck him."

Saddam stole billions of dollars in oil money.  Killed hundreds of thousands of people who would even think to speak out even a peep against him.  and you don\'t say f*ck him?

"Scumbags hurt in the line of scumbaggery get no sympathy."

I couldn\'t have said it better myself.
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