You people are talking about The Hulk like it hasn\'t been released yet. I saw it yesterday.

And it was very good. Vid, If you\'re surprised by what this character can do, then I guess you didn\'t read the Hulk comics when you were a kid. I remember panels of him throwing around pieces of mountains... Sure it\'s impossible in the real world, but chill out, it\'s only a movie.
Also, it\'s not like they used some Lou Ferrigno-sized dude as the Hulk character; the Hulk in this movie is freaking 17 feet tall or so.
This movie really sets a new standard of CG visual effects, but that\'s not what makes it great. The composition, editing, audio dynamics, score, and all the other little details of movie production were all handled with great care. It\'s a high quality piece of work, and makes other recent action films look like dried turds.
It\'s worthwhile, you should give it a try.