First of all I have to say that I\'m a huge freak\'n fan of Arnold as a Governor. He\'s an amazing business man, extremely inteligent, is loyal, can\'t be muscled around (He\'s a frick\'n Republican in the Kennedy Family, \'nuff said) He works his ass off for what he believs in (He put in 3 million dollars of his own money for after school programs, and campaigned endlessly). On top of all this, he\'s a public figure, look what Ventura did for Minnesota just because of who he is.
I\'ve already signed the petition to recall Gray Davis, AKA the idiot who can\'t balance a f*ck\'n check book. And if we go to a recall election I\'ll campaign for Schwarzeneggar, not because he\'s been an idol of mine since a child (he\'s the reason I\'m a body builder) but because I believe he can actually help this State.